Welcome. This ACM Global Laboratories website has been developed to share important information about the upcoming union election of the Rochester Union of Clinical Trials Laboratory and Supporting Staff, which will be held on May 24, 2023.

Microscope close up

Statement on Unions and Collective Bargaining

ACM has been and remains committed to the success of the Clinical Trials Specimen Management team and to the work we do together.
We respect that employees have the right to choose whether or not to be represented by a union. However, it is our position that it is in the best interest of ACM and our employees to maintain direct one-to-one relationships that are free from third party intervention.

We believe:

  • We have an obligation to provide our employees with factual information to make an informed decision.
  • Bringing a union in is an unnecessary step and may change things at ACM in multiple ways, including ways employees may not anticipate nor prefer.
  • Maintaining a direct relationship between ACM and the Clinical Trials Specimen Management team is the best way to make sure we treat members of the team as the individuals they are and meet their individual needs, while continuing to effectively respond to requests and issues that may be raised.