Start Up Union

Independent Unions: What It Really Means

We urge all employees to think about and consider a number of important questions prior to voting on May 24:

  • Bargaining with ACM
  • Training Stewards on how to represent employees
  • Processing of grievances through to arbitration
  • Learning how to implement a strike
  • Mandatory filings with the Department of Labor (DOL)
  • Creating and maintaining a Constitution and Bylaws
  • How to finance attorneys to bargain and handle arbitration matters if this is not handled by the employees elected as union representatives
  • Electing Officers who are responsible for representing the employees

Consider that the elected officers will have access to your personnel information like wages, discipline, job description, home address, phone number, etc. Also, the elected officers may have authority to speak for you and/or represent your interests in collective bargaining with the company.

Bargaining is not just sitting down at a table and verbally asking for something a group of employees’ desire. As an independent union, your union leaders will need to learn how to prepare for bargaining and create proposals for negotiations. This normally requires research, drafting contract language and reviewing/responding to the language of the proposals from the employer. Financing of bargaining is also a key aspect, from the cost of meeting space to possible attorney and accountant fees.

As an independent union, your elected representatives will need to determine if a case is worth arbitrating, prepare for formal arbitration hearings, determine how to settle a case, and potentially hire and pay attorneys to handle the arbitration proceeding (unless your union representatives are able to adequately represent the union and the impacted employees in a hearing before an arbitrator).

As an independent union have you had the opportunity to understand what is in the Constitution and Bylaws that you would be held accountable to follow as a bargaining unit employee? As a potential member of an independent union, we think you should have an opportunity to see these rules that will govern your union before you are asked to vote.

As an independent union you will need to learn how to prepare required LM financial reporting. Further, unions must maintain the financial records of the union on an ongoing basis.